We’re NITTOLO’S, a Family Restaurant, the warm embrace of familial love permeates every corner as the Nittolo family brings their unique blend of passion, cherished recipes, and heartwarming traditions to create an inviting culinary haven where customers are treated not just as guests but as cherished extensions of their own family

A Journey Across Oceans: From Avellino to Brooklyn

In the early 1900s, our great-grandparents, John and Raefela Nittolo, left the hills of Avellino, Italy, for the promise of a new life in Brooklyn, New York. Ellis Island marked their arrival, the beginning of a story woven with resilience and determination.

As 3rd generation Italians, we honor the legacy of our ancestors, especially the teachings of our late Grandmother Geneive Nittolo. The artistry of creating the perfect sauce is a skill passed down through generations, preserving a heritage that spans continents.

"Benvenuto a Casa Nostra" – Welcome to Our Home, where the essence of Avellino meets the vibrant tapestry of Brooklyn. This is not just our story; it's a narrative of courage, love, and the pursuit of a dream. In each pot of simmering sauce, we find ourselves back in the embrace of our ancestral home, carrying with us the spirit of Avellino and the timeless bonds of family that make us who we are.